Kill Your Old Habits

 How to Kill your Old Habits for the New Year?

Bad habits can’t be all that bad if they can help you in some way. Beat them at their own game

by pitting them against each other.

Getting rid of all your bad habits from day one of the new year is unrealistic, even if you have

resolved to do so. But bad habits can’t be all that bad if they can help you in some way. Beat

them at their own game by pitting them against each other. Before you learn how to do that,

it’s important to understand the hold they have over you. Let’s begin.

The Common Solutions

When it comes to a bad habit, the advice to “just stop doing it” never seems to work. If you

resist temptation in one area of your life, you’ll succumb to it somewhere else.

There is no dearth of online resources to help you break your bad habits and adopt good ones.

Among the most well-known ways to counter bad habits are:

 Replacing bad habits with good ones

 Changing your environment

 Finding an accountability partner

 Creating obstacles to give yourself pause for thought

 Avoiding temptation

Take Small Steps To Setting Patterns

Patterns don’t take hold instantly. It takes time for a pattern to become a pattern or for an

action to become a habit. Pretend you drink everyday (at least once), and you have a goal of

completely becoming sober from drinking alcohol. Instead of quitting cold turkey and suddenly

stop drinking, meanwhile putting yourself at risk for withdrawal, it is easier and more efficient

to limit yourself to smaller drinking patterns. Setting small goals such as only allowing yourself

one drink today with dinner rather than a drink with every meal makes it easier to follow and

easier to track how well you are progressing in your goals, therefore motivating you to continue

your journey.

Stay Away From Temptations That Help Feed Your Addiction Or Bad Habits

Staying away from temptations is a lot easier than you think. You contribute to your addiction

or bad habits when you put yourself in familiar places where your triggers are present. The

world is full of fun activities; you don’t have to be limited to a bar or a pill to have a good time.

If your friends try forcing you to come out and drink or do drugs with them while you are

attempting to get sober, then be honest and upfront with them. Good friends will help you

achieve your goal, not set you backwards.

How bad do you want to be successful at breaking a bad habit and forming a positive one? Use

that strength to remove temptations from your life. Certain people also trigger giving into our

habits. Avoiding these people and their influence is the best solution to getting away from any

triggers they may cause. Out of sight, out of mind.

Replace Your Old Habits With New Similar Ones

Finding something similar to your bad habit can help you easily replace it. If you only have the

choice to give into your habit or stay at an equilibrium, your habit will likely influence your

choosing. If you have two choices, one new choice and one old choice, you have a better

chance at picking the new choice that will help you form a positive habit since it puts you at an

elevated level compared to where you were before.

For example, when someone who uses drugs feel stressed, they are more inclined to use the

drugs than to not use the drugs and deal with stress on their own. Using the drugs puts them at

a higher point than before but not using keeps them at the same stressful level. Instead, if you

have the option to use drugs or go for a walk to get rid of stress you might pick going for a walk

since the walk will likely de-stress your mind and body and put you at a better state than


If you drink alcohol when going out with friends and want to get sober, try a new non-alcoholic

drink. You will still enjoy having something in your hand and tasting a good drink (keeping the

same patterns as before), but this time it won’t be giving into your bad habit.  As you start to

replace your bad choices with better choices, you will likely reach for the better choice first,

without even contemplating it!

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