Emotional Resilience

 Explaining Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is one’s ability to handle stressful situations and crises healthily and constructively.
More resilient people are more active in handling crises effectively while less resilient people face a
harder time with stress. In this current situation of the pandemic, every other person is stressed. Some
have lost their jobs, and everyone is confined to their homes amid quarantine. Analyzing the situation,
emotional resilience has become more important than ever before.
In this blog, I will discuss about emotional resilience and traits that every emotionally resilient people

What is Emotional Resilience?
To explain it simply, emotional resilience is the ability to handle a crisis constructively and healthily. It is
a personal trait and essential to developing in life. Research shows that a person who manages minor
stresses easily is also able to manage a major crisis with ease. So, we can say that emotional resilience
has its benefits for daily life as well for a rare unlikely situation in the future.
What are traits of Emotional Resilience? 

Emotional resilience is not a quality but it is a trait. There are some varying degrees of how a person can
manage stress. These are some of the traits that most emotionally resilient people usually share.
Following are some of the common traits among resilient people: 

1. Emotional Awareness
Emotional resilient are emotionally aware that what they are feeling and why. They also understand the
feelings of other people because they are more in touch with their inner life. This makes them
understand well how to behave and react in a crisis. 

2. Optimism
Emotional resilient people always look the positive perspectives in most situations and believe in their
strength. This is how they shift their perception from a victim mentality to an empowered one. 

3. Spirituality
Emotional resilience is directly connected with spirituality. When you are more connected to your
spiritual side, you are more emotionally resilient. 

4. Sense of Humor
People who are emotionally resilient have a great sense of humor. This is a tremendous asset that they
can laugh at life’s difficulties. They respond to difficult situations with a smile that brings benefits

How to Build Emotional Resilience?

If you need to be emotionally resilient, you need to be intentional in both your thoughts and actions.
These are the steps that you can take to improve emotional resilience:
 Build connections with other people
Give priority to your relationships and reach out to other people by joining different communities in
your area. This will help you out in making connections with other people.

Manage your thoughts
Work on your thought process by thinking that all odds are part of life and accept that change. Don’t get
demotivated and always focus on your goals.

Take care of yourself, take care of yourself by eating healthy, staying active, and avoid any unhealthy coping mechanism. Take
of yourself physically and mentally.

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