5 Foods You Should Consider Eating

5 Foods You should Consider For Your Best Body—Inside and Out

No food can make you look younger and feel healthier overnight. But over time, getting the right nutrients can make a difference. Here’s the scoop on five super foods that can help you lose weight, boost your heart health and give your skin a healthy glow.

1. Nuts…(Not Those Type of Nuts)

 In the past, nuts fell into the “bad for you” category. However, in recent years, studies show that nuts are indeed healthy. Check out the Boston Globe article for more insights into Longevity in a Nutshell.
Nuts provide key proteins and nutrients, good fats, antioxidants, aid in the reduction of cholesterol and help you live longer. Below are some the key benefits of a few different varieties of nuts:


Highest in calcium of all nuts. Almonds are also high in fiber, vitamin E and magnesium. Almonds help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, and can help protect against diabetes.


Rich in iron, high in magnesium (more than almonds), and the unsaturated fat is predominantly oleic acid (the same as in olive oil). Cashews help prevent cancer, promote a healthy heart and strong bones, and also are good for your skin and hair (they are rich in copper).


High in omega 3 fats, antioxidants, and phytosterols. Walnuts are good for your heart, can help protect against cancer, and are good for your brain aiding in reducing depression and the risk of age related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

Hazelnuts (Filberts)

Rich in unsaturated fats (mostly oleic acid), high in magnesium, calcium and vitamins B and E. Hazelnuts are good for your heart, help reduce the risk of cancer, and aid in muscle, skin, bone, joint and digestive health.


Technically a legume, highest amount of folates compared to other nuts; folates are essential for brain development. Peanuts are also high in Vitamin E. Peanuts promote a healthy pregnancy because of the high folates which help reduce the risk of birth defects. Peanuts also boost memory, help fight depression, and reduces the risk of heart disease.


Although high calories and fat, they are still good for you – especially men. Pecans contain beta-sitisterol which is aids in the relief of an enlarged prostate.
The bottom line is all nuts are good for you… the key is moderation. A healthy handful can lead to good health and longer life. So go nuts!

2. Oats…(No Not Hall & Oates)

Talk about a superfood! Compared to other whole grains, oats came out on top for lowering cholesterol, according to a 2015 review of more than 20 studies. Other research shows the feel-full fiber in whole-grain oats can help you eat less and lose weight; in one study, eating oats helped people trim their waists and lose overall body fat. And oats don’t stop there-they help keep your skin healthy, too, with nutrients like copper, zinc and niacin. In fact, you don’t even have to eat oats to gain their skin-calming benefits: People have used forms of oats for centuries as a topical treatment for dry, rough and itchy skin.
Talk about a super food! Compared to other whole grains, oats came out on top for lowering cholesterol, according to a 2015 review of more than 20 studies. Other research shows the feel-full fiber in whole-grain oats can help you eat less and lose weight; in one study, eating oats helped people trim their waists and lose overall body fat. And oats don’t stop there-they help keep your skin healthy, too, with nutrients like copper, zinc and niacin. In fact, you don’t even have to eat oats to gain their skin-calming benefits: People have used forms of oats for centuries as a topical treatment for dry, rough and itchy skin.

3. Wild Salmon

You’ve probably heard for years that when it comes to health benefits, salmon-and wild salmon in particular-is one fantastic fish. Here’s one reason why: salmon contains astaxanthin, a type of antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol. Astaxanthin may be an anti-aging weapon, too-one 2014 study suggests it can help fight sun damage and make skin more supple. In another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that people who ate omega-3-rich fish (such as salmon) each week reduced the development of precancerous skin lesions by almost 30 percent. Salmon can help with weight loss as well-studies suggest their omega-3s can help reduce belly fat.

4. Blueberries

These tasty little gems are higher in antioxidants than nearly any other food, delivering powerful heart-healthy benefits. In a Harvard study of more than 93,000 women, eating three servings of blueberries and strawberries each week was associated with cutting heart attack risk by more than 30 percent. And because antioxidants help prevent and slow sun damage, eating blueberries is a way to help your skin look younger, too. One more big blueberry perk: their fiber helps you feel full, so you eat less, potentially losing weight.

5. Avocados

Did you know that people who eat avocados tend to be healthier than those who don’t? That’s according to a 2013 study (funded by the Hass Avocado Board) of more than 17,000 people. The researchers found that the avocado eaters weighed less, had less belly fat and showed a much lower risk of metabolic syndrome-a group of symptoms that can lead to diabetes and heart disease-compared to the non-avocado fans. They also tended to eat more fruits and vegetables overall. We’re betting they even had great skin: avocados are packed with vitamins C, E and K, all important for skin health. Plus, the healthy fat in avocados may help prevent wrinkles, while other nutrients help reduce sun damage.

ConclusionThere’s a whole lot of reasons why Healthy Eating Matters. Eating well is fundamental to good health and well-being. Healthy eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight and reduces our risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
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