Way Back

 Way Back Wednesday: The Ron Clark Story


Welcome to the first Way back Wednesday…where I talk about things from way back!… get it?
So, who is Ron Clark? 
Ronald Lyle Clark, Jr. born October 24, 1972 is an American educator and reality television personality. He has taught in North Carolina and New York City
“THE RON CLARK STORY is the true story of one teacher’s courage to leave his small hometown and head to one of the most challenging public schools in the country. We are proud to have an actor the caliber of Matthew Perry bringing his talents to such a memorable, inspirational story.
—Michael Wright 
So I am wanting to review a movie about a teacher from a small town wanting to spread his wings beyond his home town. (It could really relate to “Lean On Me” with Morgan Freeman.) desperate but motivated to do more with his career he sets his eyes on New York but not without trials and tribulations. I would have to base almost everything off the movie as I couldn’t really find much info on the real Ron Clark online… Lets begin!
Before moving to New York Ron worked in the city of  Aurora, North Carolina as a teacher in 1994 at  S W Snowden Elementary which I assume he was born in the same city as well. Helping kids with his unique teaching abilities. 
In 1998 once in New York things didn’t go as smoothly as planed living in a motel room and looking for work he settled for a job at a local restaurant then meeting a woman named Marissa who he befriend. But with things looking grim Ron has finally seemed to catch a brake when a teacher position at Inner Harlem Elementary.
He then strikes up a conversation with the principle pleading his case on why he’s a good fit relaying the fact that he specialize in rising standardized text scores. Hesitant at first. The principal of the school believes Clark may be too “nice-looking,” to take on the rough, disruptive students in a 6th grade class that has just been abandoned by their teacher. He offers Clark a third-grade class, but Clark insists on taking the older kids that nobody else wants. He quickly learns that it will be a battle of wills between himself and his students to see who can outlast the other. He struggles to understand them, both individually and collectively, before he can teach them the standardized materials.
Being the person he is he takes it a step further by reaching out to the parents and getting them more involved in their kids education as well for teaching kids not only Math, Reading, Science, and History but he was a father figure to some or even all of the students. Clark uses persistence and unconventional methods to reach his students and encourage them to reach their full potential. Ron’s innovative way of teaching consists of a three-pronged approach. He looks to put students into a cheerful mood, so that they are more then likely to retain more schooling. He makes a point of creating personal relationships with his students and their families. That’s what makes this story so inspiring and the motivation that comes with it is great people like Ron makes the world a better place as he actually cared for the students he was teaching.
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