Being Homeless during Covid – 19

 Being homeless is already hard but it’seven harder to be homeless during this pandemic which is very unfortunate and probably difficult to deal with. Now, what are some good ways you can survive, live, and stride in today’s world’s current conditions?

1. Having A Plan

Having a plan is the simplest but important step in improving your life and making the best of your situation so what are some good and easy ways of making  

One of the main concerns of being homeless is where to sleep or rest, too. There are shelters for the homeless or abandoned buildings you can temporarily stay in, though.

You need to check the structure of the building as it may already be weak since it’s abandoned. Find a spot closer to the exit or beneath a support beam so it’s safer.

In case you don’t find shelter and you’re forced to sleep on the streets, try finding a spot where there are other homeless people. This area is probably where the police won’t bother them, and there’s also safety in numbers.

It’s also possible they’ll intimidate you, so you need to prepare for that. If you want to have a more intimate spot though, try looking for bushy areas.

So then there is finding the right clothing to wear It’s hard to survive as a homeless person if you don’t wear the right kind of clothes. So wear enough to cover your body and keep you warm but not hot.

You can wear long sleeves and layers of thin clothes. A pair of zip-off cargo pants are also a good choice since you can easily switch from pants to shorts. The pockets could also give you extra storage for your essentials.

Staying warm, when winter comes up, store thick winter coats, wool beanies, and lots of socks in your survival gear. Besides practical clothes, you need other items to keep you warm in your survival gear.

You can also get your hands on a thermal blanket if you can. But if there are not enough to maintain body heat, boil water and place it inside water bottles.

Then, surround yourself with these hot water bottles before covering yourself with blankets. They can keep you warm and protect your hands from frostbite, indeed.

Being neat try to keep yourself neat, even if the chance of taking a shower does not come by often. So, make it a point to store wet wipes in your survival gear.

Go to public toilets where you have access to running water and clean yourself properly. By keeping a clean look, you can improve your self-confidence and have a more positive outlook on life.

Making yourself presentable will help you gain friends and handouts easier, too. That’s because people are most likely to respond positively to someone who looks clean. Having a clean look also makes it easier for you to blend in and not be shooed away by security guards.

Never leave your things unattended because others may be worse off than you. Always have them beside you and don’t get too comfortable, even if the place looks safe.

You can’t afford getting robbed when you’re homeless since you have limited resources, so have your things packed and always prepared to leave when you need to. Cops and other homeless groups might kick you out.

This is among the basic survival skills you need to learn while you’re out in the streets. That is to avoid conflict at all costs.

Unless you’re physically attacked and need to defend yourself, fighting simply isn’t worth it. You may end up with scratches, bruises, or even broken bones, and this is a bad thing if you don’t have access to a clinic or hospital.

Worse, a cop may pick you up so what happens then? That’s why you need to stay calm and always walk away from trouble before they even begin.

Always keep a first-aid kit in your survival gear because in your situation anything can happen. What’s even worse is you don’t have easy access to medical facilities so you have to rely on your own.

You can recycle some of your things to apply first aid, but you really need to have medicines with you. Pain relievers, antiseptic solution, and antibacterial ointments are some of the items you need.

2. Staying Healthy 

Use fruits and veggies to replace higher calorie foods and help to maintain a healthy weight. If possible, include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables every day. Try to select fresh produce when in season or choose fruits and vegetables along with canned options with reduced salt and no sugar.

Staying clean is the hardest part of being homeless, but to stay or get employed you have to be clean, smell clean, look clean.

Find a place to shower. Planet Fitness has $10 a month memberships. If there’s one in your town, join. You can maintain your health and hygiene there. If you can’t afford or find a gym, find a community center, or a YMCA. The Y offers low to free memberships for the homeless.

If there is no Y, or gym, or community center (you’re rural), find a McDonalds or Burger King. They have the best bathrooms because most of their stalls have doors. You can take a collapsible bucket in, fill it with water and take a sponge bath in the privacy of the stall, then brush your teeth etc. at the sink.

If you’re in a rural area there are almost always streams and rivers to bathe in. I bathed in a waterfall for two months when I worked as a raft guide in college. The well at the dorm was always running dry, and it was the only option most days.

Laundromats are a must have. Try to look for apartment complexs with laundry facilities rather than public laundromats. The cost is almost always $1 to $3 a load cheaper. If you are college age, dorm laundry facilities are the best, but security on campuses, plus parking hassles, can be a deterent.

If you go into a laundromat with ONE load of clothes and explain your situation I’m betting 90% of people will pay for your wash/dry for you. I certainly would.

If you’re in a big city, you’re in luck. Many high rise office buildings have bathrooms on the upper floors with showers. I found two in Denver and used those during the day to take a QUICK, and I emphasize QUICK, shower because employees use them in the am. and at lunch to shower after running or working out and they will know if you belong in the building or not. If you’re going to use a shower in a public building wear workout gear – sweat pants and t-shirt etc., so you at least LOOK like you work there and belong.

Some major airports have showers. In Europe I noticed there were as many showers in the airports as bathroom stalls. They were generally free, but you had to provide your own towel.

Carry a superabsorbent (and small) bathtowel, washcloth and soap with you in your pack so if you ever do happen upon a shower you can take advantage of it. Never pass up the opportunity to take a shower, even if you had one a few hours prior. Use deodorant liberally, but don’t substitute it for a shower unless you have to. Wash your pits, crotch and face every day (not in that order tho).

If you can’t find a laundromat, but have a job interview and no clean clothes, hit Goodwill or the Salvation Army. You can throw together a good outfit for less than $10 if you shop right. Another point, always keep at least one outfit clean for job interviews. This is easier if you have a small storage unit or car to store extra stuff in. If all else fails, get a locker at a gym, or airport or someplace to keep your stuff. Ask a friend if you can keep a footlocker in their garage or on their property where you can keep some things. Consider buying a small rubber tool tote you can padlock to a tree in the woods and camoflauge if you have nothing else. Get creative.

Maintaining health is a matter of eating healthy – also hard to do when you’re homeless. Dumpster diving can actually provide you with good food if you know when to scavenge. Most food in grocery store dumpsters is in its original package, even still frozen. Just pull it out and heat and eat. Many farmer’s markets and stores will give you, or sell at a greatly reduced price, their leftover veggies – especially if you tell them your situation and offer to help them load/pack up at the end of the day.

The only thing standing between you, your health, hygiene, and well-being is your creativity and yourself. Ask, be matter-of-fact, truthful, and honest about what you need, and offer something in exchange for what you want and you will always find a way to get what you need.

3, Staying Positive 

I know this would be easier said than done definitely when homeless How to stay positive in these situations? Here’s how I handle it. 

1. Keep busy. Being alone with your thoughts is the killer. Don’t brood, is what I mean. 

2. Focus on the immediate problems at hand, not the big picture. Take it five minutes, 20 minutes at a time. 

3. When you get a small task accomplished feel good about it. Focus on what you have accomplished, not how far you need to go. 

4. Take time to breathe. Panic is the worst of all. Panic never solved a problem.

Bonus Tip!

Find yourself a stray pet dog that will serve as both your friend and companion. Even though you’ll have another mouth to feed, you’ll find they’re worth it.

Your pet dog can even be your bodyguard, protecting you from thieves and harassers, too. In fact, dogs are loyal animals that will stick with you through thick and thin — just as you need.

Help The Homeless

Please if you need any help you can reach out to me or anyone in that case please stay safe!
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