Feeling Blue, Here’s What To-Do!

Feeling Blue? 10 Tips to Boost Your Mood At some point, all of us will experience feeling blue. With the many stressors of life, it’s completely normal to feel down. There are also moments where we may experience being down in the dumps without a clear reason.  Over time those feelings pass, even if they… Continue reading Feeling Blue, Here’s What To-Do!

How much Water Do We Really Need?

 A Guide To Proper Hydration   Most of the health experts recommend 8 ounces glass of water a day that is commonly knownas ‘8 x 8’ rule.Your body is about 90 percent of water. It constantly loses water throughout the day, mostlythrough urine and sweat but also from regular body functions like breathing. To preventdehydration, you… Continue reading How much Water Do We Really Need?

Keto Diet Guide

 An Ultimate Guide to Keto Diet    It’s safe to say the keto diet has increased in popularity over the years. Many are adopting thisregime not just for weight loss but for the substantial benefits it brings to health.The keto diet bucks the trend when it comes to diets and there is even reason to suggest… Continue reading Keto Diet Guide

Emotional Resilience

 Explaining Emotional Resilience Emotional resilience is one’s ability to handle stressful situations and crises healthily and constructively. More resilient people are more active in handling crises effectively while less resilient people face a harder time with stress. In this current situation of the pandemic, every other person is stressed. Some have lost their jobs, and… Continue reading Emotional Resilience

Being Homeless during Covid – 19

 Being homeless is already hard but it’seven harder to be homeless during this pandemic which is very unfortunate and probably difficult to deal with. Now, what are some good ways you can survive, live, and stride in today’s world’s current conditions? 1. Having A Plan Having a plan is the simplest but important step in… Continue reading Being Homeless during Covid – 19

Why Women Aren’t Attracted to Nice Guys

 Why being the nice guy isn’t worth it For all the male viewers Most guys can’t figure out why women aren’t attracted to nice guys. In fact, most men have, at one point or another, uttered the phrase, “Nice guys finish last” as a way to explain their dating problems, single statuses, and more. The… Continue reading Why Women Aren’t Attracted to Nice Guys


 The resources on this page emphasize several evidence-based self-care and coping strategies to reduce the stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is recommended to: stay virtually connected to loved ones through video chats, calls, texts, social media, apps, and email stay physically active with daily movement and exercise maintain regular sleep patterns and stick with routines to… Continue reading COVID-19 GENERAL STRESS AND COPING TOOLS