Not Able to Sleep At Night? These 6 Tips Are For You! Nobody wants to deal with sleep problems. Getting a full night’s sleep is not only important to ensure you’re alert and ready to go the next morning, but it’s also important for your physical and mental health. Sleep is essential to your overall… Continue reading Not Able to Sleep At Night?
Category: choices
Want to Improve Your Physical Health?
5 Things To Do If You Want to Improve Your Physical Health Did you find it easier to stay in shape when you were younger? Staying active may have seemed to come more naturally and you might have participated in a variety of activities, whether it was running a marathon, visiting the gym… Continue reading Want to Improve Your Physical Health?
Financial Crisis and Staying on Track
Get Out of a Financial Crisis and Stay on Track Using These Tips Guest Post by: These days, it seems there are more people than ever who are struggling with staying on track financially. Between rising prices and job insecurities, it’s alarmingly easy to fall behind and end up in crisis.… Continue reading Financial Crisis and Staying on Track
How much Water Do We Really Need?
A Guide To Proper Hydration Most of the health experts recommend 8 ounces glass of water a day that is commonly knownas ‘8 x 8’ rule.Your body is about 90 percent of water. It constantly loses water throughout the day, mostlythrough urine and sweat but also from regular body functions like breathing. To preventdehydration, you… Continue reading How much Water Do We Really Need?
Tuesday Topic
Tuesday Topic Of The Day: Surviving Inflation So inflation, What Is It? Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. A qof prices, often expressed as a percentage, means that a unit of currency effectively buys less than it did in prior periods. Inflation can be contrasted with deflation, which… Continue reading Tuesday Topic
Tuesday Talk
Tuesday Topic Of The Day:Second Chances Today, on Tuesday topic I would like to give my two sense about when and/or if they are acceptable with valentines Day right around the corner almost every one is looking for somebody to be romantic with or even just celebrating your anniversary, as well for a great… Continue reading Tuesday Talk
Emotional Resilience
Explaining Emotional Resilience Emotional resilience is one’s ability to handle stressful situations and crises healthily and constructively. More resilient people are more active in handling crises effectively while less resilient people face a harder time with stress. In this current situation of the pandemic, every other person is stressed. Some have lost their jobs, and… Continue reading Emotional Resilience
Avoid Negative People
AVOID NEGATIVE PEOPLE AND SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE To avoid negative people and surround yourself with positive people could have easily been When you have a grand goal or dream, you must be careful with whom you share it. Not everyone is going to be happy and supportive. Some people may be downright mean… Continue reading Avoid Negative People
What is the difference between Social Anxiety and Shyness? Since the discovery of Social anxiety in 1980, unfortunately, it is often dismissed as just extreme shyness. There has been a lot of confusion as to differentiate between social anxiety and shyness. Some people question the premise that social anxiety is the same construct as shyness.… Continue reading Untitled
Being Homeless during Covid – 19
Being homeless is already hard but it’seven harder to be homeless during this pandemic which is very unfortunate and probably difficult to deal with. Now, what are some good ways you can survive, live, and stride in today’s world’s current conditions? 1. Having A Plan Having a plan is the simplest but important step in… Continue reading Being Homeless during Covid – 19